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Corrective Orthognathic Jaw Surgery in Denver Tech Center, CO and Parker, CO

Patients can encounter issues with their jaw for a variety of reasons. Whether your jaw is misaligned due to hereditary features or it was caused by an accident, sometimes the only solution is to undergo orthognathic or jaw surgery. This type of surgery is necessary when jaws don’t meet or line up correctly or if the teeth don’t properly fit the jaw structure. The team at Dry Creek Oral Surgery is able to perform corrective jaw surgery for Denver Tech Center and Parker patients. Often, corrective jaw surgery is used in combination with orthodontics, as braces straighten the teeth and surgery repositions the jaw. Together, these two treatments improve the aesthetics of your smile and facial appearance as well as ensure the teeth align correctly and function properly. We can discuss your options during your consultation at Dry Creek Oral Surgery. Please call us today to make an appointment.

woman with jaw pain

When is Corrective Jaw Surgery Needed?

Jaw surgery is usually recommended in any patient who has an improper bite or jaws that are positioned incorrectly. A number of factors can cause problems with your jaw, but for most people, the issues arise out of a difference in jaw growth. This process is very gradual, and the upper and lower jaws may grow at different rates, causing a misalignment. This can affect your chewing function, speech, long-term oral health, and your appearance. You may have also suffered an injury that has caused the misalignment. Either way, improperly positioned jaws can create a number of problems, which is why we recommend surgery to help correct any issues we see.

Difficulty in the Following Areas Should Be Evaluated

Any of these symptoms can exist at birth, be acquired after birth as a result of hereditary or environmental influences, or as a result of trauma to the face. Before any treatment begins, a consultation will be held to perform a complete examination with x-rays. During the pre-treatment consultation process, feel free to ask any questions that you have regarding your treatment. When you are fully informed about the aspects of your care, you and your dental team can make the decision to proceed with treatment together.

  • Difficulty in chewing, biting, or swallowing
  • Speech problems
  • Chronic jaw or TMJ pain
  • Open bite
  • Protruding jaw
  • Breathing problems

Technology & Orthognathic Surgery

We use modern computer-aided techniques and three-dimensional models to show you exactly how your surgery will be approached. Using comprehensive facial x-rays and computer video imaging, we can show you how your bite will be improved and even give you an idea of how you’ll look after surgery. Our goal is to help you understand the surgical process, extent of the proposed treatment and the benefits of orthognathic surgery. If you are a candidate for corrective jaw surgery, we will work closely with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment. The actual surgery can move your teeth and jaws into a new position that results in a more attractive, functional, and healthy dental-facial relationship.

What to Expect:
  • Corrective jaw surgery is a significant intervention requiring many months of preparation.
  • The surgery is performed in the hospital and can last between one to four hours.
  • Hospital stays of one to three days are normal.
  • Braces are maintained during surgery and may need to be removed six to twelve months after surgery.
  • The greatest impact of orthognathic surgery is the recovery phase.
  • Patients typically may be off work/school from two weeks to one month after surgery.
  • Return to normal chewing function may take 2 months and full function may take one year.
  • Our goal is to ensure you are well taken care of during and after surgery.
  • Weekly appointments are required for up to two months after surgery.

Schedule an Appointment

Denver Tech Center Parker